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POLL: Male vs Female Player count

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BindNation, Aug 15, 2016.


Are you a male or female KAG player? (In IRL, not just in-game)

  1. Male

  2. Female

Results are only viewable after voting.
Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Yeah, exactly, that's what I was saying. I didn't call you an incessant troll. I didn't even say it was a bad thing that you'd never stop, because it isn't really.
  2. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    For the same reason you can't "win" a discussion, you can't really win an argument. Perhaps doubly so about anything political. Doesn't preclude something interesting coming out of the discussion though, and maybe finding some common ground.

    As a side note, the jokes about gender and identity sure are pretty unfunny.

    This one got long, got to leave it now. Split in a few parts. Might be the last thing I say here but might not - I don't have time to keep up these big replies though.

    A) Gender and sex aren't the same thing - this isn't about genitals in some abstract sense and I'm pretty sure you know that.
    B) I think you might have been reading what you wanted to read. See below for some elaboration on my thoughts/meaning.

    You'd do better without the straw man at the start of that. I'm not pushing anything like that.

    Competitive internet gaming is a fucked up place in general - that doesn't mean it can't be particularly unwelcoming for women. Reasons include macho game-bro culture, the games themselves often being male-targeted, off-hand misogyny being common, sexual harassment/unwelcome attention being common, public/cultural perceptions of gaming, and threads like this one.

    Internet gaming at large is hard to comment on - there are a lot of separate subcultures. Social Mobile games are internet connected by default, the difference I guess is that you often avoid joining a community to play them and just continue existing social connections; many more women play these than they do conventional competitive games.
    "Sticks and Stones" is the kind of reductive/oversimplified bullshit that keeps these attitudes around. Yes, being strong is great, but words do have meanings and convey intent, and some of us are less resilient than others. The saying also puts the blame with the victims of abuse and harassment, rather than making it clear the abusers are doing the wrong thing.

    You are responsible for how you act, and how you act does affect other people. Yes, we should endeavour not to let arseholes ruin our lives - but that doesn't mean they aren't arseholes or that we shouldn't try to minimise harm.

    I'm a firm believer in free speech, and happy with profanity being part of our everyday dialect. Constructing a list of bad words or bad images that you can't say or produce doesn't help anyone. However, there's often malicious intent or nuanced connotations behind those words. You can use them irresponsibly. They can reinforce or break down social structures that do real harm, and they can be used to exclude, or include.

    This always seems to be the big misunderstanding, it's not about someone getting offended or emotional. The offence isn't the real harm as at the end of the day that's generally a choice. The normalisation and continuation of exclusion, abuse, and belittlement in all its forms is where the harm lies.

    (@eragon200012 kinda touched on this, but I wanted to flesh that out a little more.)
    I'm not telling you what to be against or for. I'm telling you how I feel.

    "Check your privilege" in all its forms, explicit or not, is a reminder that people without your circumstances exist, just like people with other circumstances better than yours in some ways exist.

    When you complain that something happens "in your country" and how unlucky you are, you're essentially communicating that you feel the person you're talking with has the privilege of living in some "better" place and using that as an excuse for your behaviour. It helps us understand your motivations, but punching down is imo a crappy solution to that. I'll talk about inevitability or "why you should maybe care" in the next box.
    Because when something is bad, it's best to say nothing about it, not try to change it, and accept it as an inevitable truth! /s

    It's easy to get disillusioned with humanity or your country or how everyone sucks and nothing ever changes, and to give up on things ever getting better. That's a pretty sure-fire road to nothing ever changing though, which isn't going to make anything suck any less.

    Thing is, nothing will change without conscious, directed effort to change it. I'd simply rather be on the nicer side of that if we do see change, because it doesn't cost me much (maybe a few internet coolness points?) to be as nice as I can.

    @Potatobird covered this pretty well.

    I'm generally a believer in talking things through if you can. Again, maybe you find some common ground. At the very least, you can hear the "other side" make their case and see what you think.
    I'm actually generally in favour of changing something already created - it's not like they're going to take the original away somehow, and it's always good to see people innovating.

    I'm pretty sick of seeing the same Pokemon games generation after generation (lazy spin-offs don't help this either of course), the same CoD (the campaign just gets even more absurd), the same Halo (they just added quick time events in 4), the same Dead or Alive (just with jigglier boobies), the same... you get it.

    There seems to be this great fear that players have that somehow their games will become PC (whatever that means this week) and they wont be allowed to have any fun and it'll all be ruined because they'll change everything. These are the same guys telling the devs very loudly how WRONG it was to change the stats of that gun or sword or piece of armour.

    I feel like there's not nearly the amount of pressure on devs to "go PC" than these players seem to think. Noone's trying to take away your toys.
    I also feel like, as a dev, it'd be great not to have those guys in your community at all.

    The games that are changing and innovating title-to-title while keeping their core players engaged are doing exciting things imo - particularly when it lets them reach new players while appeasing older ones (see fallout, dragon age). I'd be pretty excited if we stopped pouring millions of dev funding into stagnant franchises. Obviously the market is there though so I "lose" that one.

    In the Linkle example, to me it just hammered home how little Nintendo wants to move the franchise to new ground. I haven't bothered playing more than an hour or so of the recent zelda games. They've become formulaic simplified rehashes of something that was a good idea ten years ago, and that's very boring to me. Again, they keep getting bought though so "who cares", right? We're talking about games that were some of my favourites as a kid, so it's not like I'm not emotionally invested there.
    bunnie, Fellere825, Joiken and 8 others like this.
  3. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Oop, just noticed this one:
    Maybe not a thing used in the US? But it was here at school. I think it comes from more the idea of corruption or something wrong than as an analogy to straight though. Not sure of the etymology of either of them.
  4. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    Geti is too smart, there is no point of arguing.
    The only way to win an argument is to change the other persons opinion or bring them to "your side", which can be very hard if not impossible when you both think differently...
  5. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Yea definitely not used in my part of the world.
    I mean it depends. For instance joking that all the people who voted female, when they were really male, has no dick is an insult towards their manhood and not necessarily misogyny.
    Yes but i thought we were literally just talking about men and women. If we are somehow discounting all transgenders then i suppose we could put them in the category that they identify as or are transitioning to? These are just obvious things in my head and do not need explaining.
    We were talking about this specific community. Here there is next to no competitive play, and minus one incident that was almost immediately dealt with, not much harassment i have seen. Though i cannot speak for all women, and neither can you, I just havent seen any of that crap personally. What i see ingame daily is people being called the whole rainbow of slurs in order to get a rise out of them. Those people are trolls and they are best to be ignored. Actual harassment like people making literal threats toward your life is at a different level.
    What. There's a difference in my book from being overly offended by being called a slur and being harassed. To be harassed i believe it has to be consistent and it has to have mans rea(the intent to harm the person). I take the intent to harm the person as trying to actual harm them mentally or physically(ie physical intimidation or threats to cause harm to a person im sure other things like the disgusting "beat up anita sarkeesian" game should be counted to).
    Are you gonna save me from being called a faggot every single game of kag? No? then maybe i should grow thicker skin and not feed the trolls. Some players do not need help and can just ignore the cancerous crap(again this isnt talking about actual harassment). As for that last sentence it is pretty vague. Normalisation like tits in videogame and skimpy armor for girls? Or normalization because gamers are misogynists because reasons?

    Maybe i just dont care about anyone elses circumstances when i make my own opinion of something. For instance, if i feel that i do not care about the gender of my protagonist then it shouldnt matter whether i am male or female i should have the same opinion right? I mean i use the girl hair and builder sprite in kag so it cant be that i prefer a male character. Why would my opinion change if i was suddenly a woman? Or is this just another way of saying "well other people who are less privileged than you care about it" and that should somehow change my opinion or make me want to support them?
    The actual point, and not your strawman, was that people need to be prepared to deal with crap in the real world. For instance someone walking into a bad neighborhood wearing a rolex needs to be prepared for the chance that he might get robbed. Telling someone that for the time being the world is shit and therfore you need to defend yourself is not blaming the victim or being disillusioned with humanity. It also is not requesting people "shutup" about their experiences it is just saying that if slurs do no real damage because they are just words then grow thicker skin. Im all for talking about ideas that doesnt involve "combating problematic games" that have a market. If there are really alot of women playing games then it makes sense that they would fund unproblematic games so i dont see the need to change the "problematic" games when they still have a market.

    Depends on the changes. Things can be wrapped up in a nice name and be really disgusting at the same time.
    Different things are fine. New characters are fine. Changing characters have a giant affect on the fans and i think you know that. For instance imagine that they changed batman into a girl(instead of just creating batgirl) do you think people would be mad? All the art is still there right? But wait they just changed the gender of my favorite super hero, who i relate to, and now i can never un-relive that. Im sure there are some who, like the women you brought up earlier who want more female protagonists, would be upset because the character no longer "identifies" with them. I dont share that view but it atleast makes as much sense as the linkle crap.
    icemusher and Yagger like this.
  6. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    Fuck that noise, I'm not reading all that shit.
    FearSome and PussyDestroyer like this.
  7. JaytleBee

    JaytleBee Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    Osmal likes this.
  8. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    After watching this video I have to say this is insanely unfair to women,
    There should be more games for women, and there should be more unisex games...
    but, what would a AAA game for women be like? <(Instead of a man answering this, I wan't a women to answer it)
    ^ in my opinion I think that question is what is putting developers off it ^
    When I look up AAA games for girls I find:
    -top 10 sexiest girls in games
    -top 21 games where the protagonist is a girl
    -top 10 games for girls 2015 (all directed at older women that like violence, my sister can't handle violence in games for shit)
    I mean why the fuck are these games either sexualising girls, or clearly fucking violent peices of crap which are clearly directed at boys, I MEAN WHY THE FUCK IS FNAF A GAME "DIRECTED" TOWARDS GIRLS?!!!
    I'm directing this part to all women a.k.a all girls no matter the age
    Right now the only games kind of unisex for younger girls are:
    -puzzle games < (she actually liked the sherlock games)
    ... that's all I could think of <(I dunno add if you want)
    I feel like these very small windows for girl gamers at a younger age isn't good and is kind of pushing them away at a young age.
    @Geti I mean lets be honest, as much as you think you've included girls into kag, it's very clearly a game geared towards males, I mean with all the gore, blood so on...
    I'm gonna use my sis as an example again: From what I can tell from how she acts, at this point she no longer wants to play video games and that's because she has negative views on games all because of the level of violence.
    -She likes mystery, puzzle, stealth games, building games
    -she doesn't like violence
    -she doesn't like when games that have tried to be directed towards girls have the colour pink and so on, just make it normal.

    ~That's what my sister wants in girls games
  9. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    In all honesty, what I hate in games and my friends that are girls to, are the ones with skimpy outfits for girls and all that and just bleh. I get the appeal for guys, but for girls it's just too revealing and terrible.

    I also admit, I prefer playing as a girl main character / avatar. However I will play as a male if a girl one is not available.

    Most girls that I know that don't play games, are into the more calmer games. For me I played those games when I was 6....
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Since this was specifically for me:

    I don't think KAG is a game geared towards girls in any sense of the word.
    It's simply less exclusionary towards girls by avoiding things like skimpy armour, male-only protagonists, damselling etc. It's also more friendly to individual identity by letting you customise your character - as Punk has repeatedly stated this doesn't matter to some people, but it does matter to others, and providing a female gender option helps reduce barriers to entry.
    Together, this lets the girls that are interested in this sort of game (and we do have a few!) - play it without feeling like the game itself is pushing them away.
    The community is outside of our control, of course, but the girls we do have seem to hold their own ;)

    About the violence; honestly for a long time, any particularly violent game put me off pretty heavily; same with violent film and books. I'm able to tolerate it in a more abstract sense as I've gotten older, but I feel like this is a much more complex cultural thing than the simple "boys like action man, girls like barbie" split people seem to work from.

    Either way, you've done well by asking someone you know about it :) This is the #1 best way to be inclusive and is why I'd like to see more diversity amongst devs.
  11. asger75

    asger75 Haxor

    well I'm kinda happy this whole thread has calmed down now, unwatching, cya
  12. Achillios

    Achillios Pilgrim
    1. Gather Oceania

    I'm gonna quote you on that in the future (sorry I couldn't help myself).
  13. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    Didn't expecting coming back to see 4 more pages lol
    But hmm. KAG is not the most girl/child-appreciate thing, but on things like the gender customization and gore/chat filter (which for children too) are really nice.

    Plz don't mind me <3
  14. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    I don't understand the logic of certain types of armor directed at female characters that only cover the bewbs and crotch. It's just impractical, for many reasons too:

    1. You're gonna be cold as shit - especially in snowy environments, expect hypothermia and/or frostbite.

    2. That shits gonna hurt if an arrow comes flying your way.

    3. Sure it's eye-catching for guys, but in proper battle it'd be like the Battle of the Bastards all over again.

    4. Since the sparse armor seems to be superior than the full-plated Crusaders you see, would it make more sense for guys to wear steel-plated mankinis?

    5. On the upside, it'll be good for sneaking around, I guess.


  15. daskew87

    daskew87 Legendary corpse humper Donator

    Maybe you could make some female friendly game-modes like some kind of pointless farming game and animal zoo or some shit.

    epsilon and SJD360 like this.
  16. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    Gamemode idea:
    Save the Prince
    The prince tried to save the princess from the evil necromancer but died and turned into a zombie, little did he know that the necromancer was really the princesses over protective dad. The princess sneaks out to go on a journey to travel through various maps to collect rare plants and mine special metals to create a cure to zombie disease.
    Possible places she could travel include:

    • The realm of secrets (Mod by pirate rob - ps: he should join the official kag team or something, he could actually make a fun single player game mode unlike whats already there...)
    • Brutality Isle (Mod)
    • To get to a new map she needs to travel to a new country, she joins some pirates but the country they end up in is already inhabited by other people. Attack / Defense (Mod)
    • Can only be unlocked by dying once in Save the Princess.
    lol hopefully this joke becomes real like Pokemon go
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
  17. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    It is very interesting to read everyone's thoughts on these subjects.

    A comprehensive reply would take many hours. Here are just a couple of thoughts if anyone is curious:

    From what I have experienced thus far, despite minor issues here and there, the gaming community as a whole is a far more accepting bunch than people typically give it credit for. Gaming is an evolving art in its infancy, and as such is generally with the times more often than not. It is deserving of just as much criticism as we provide for other forms of literature. I think much of the chaos and controversy we see on the surface is reflective of the interactive component of the media that is not present in other art forms. As a worldwide community, it seems like we don't really know how to consistently handle criticism of this sort yet. There are countless articles and post-mortems / examples of how different devs accept and utilize criticism surrounding modern issues, though having read this article just this morning, I thought it to be appropriate; Scroll to the midpoint of the page at the question that references the tricky nature of addressing real-world issues:

    Regardless of whether or not this particular studio has successfully conveyed what they wanted to in a profound manner, it is valuable to see some of the thought that goes into their design process. Just a neat aside that I think is relevant.

    In regards to gender roles / gamer demographic composition / player trends: I think at this point most barriers are diminishing rapidly. Those of us, whoever we identify as, who have grown up in the past couple of decades with video games may be slightly more inclined to adhere to the idea that the boys-club is still as prevalent an issue as it once was, but I think the reality is a bit different, and at the very least, things are changing quickly; some of the popular stereotypes seem to stem from earlier forms of the media and their current iterations, but now things are far more neutral and capricious.

    A single example does not mean much in the grand scheme of these things, but here is a silly personal case study purely for your entertainment (at least I consider it entertaining):

    A friend and partner of mine who had grown up in the early 90s video game scene just the same as me was never allowed to play anything as a kid, her parents adhering to an irrational fear of interactive media. She has since never been able to pick up the staples I took for granted because of this experience, as she has no familiarity with basic learning of platformers / strategy / skill-based control etc. Everything from Super Mario Bros. to Metroid, Kirby to Command and Conquer: all of it is just strange, unfamiliar, and incomprehensible. Here and there she has found games that she loves (Polybridge, all the Mysts, a smattering of lone dev projects not officially published), but the general trend has been towards less traditionally intensive experiences. Would you like to take a guess at what she recently tried and is not only enthralled with but really good at?

    Dwarf Fortress. Booting up a world for the very first time, she was, most unfortunately, instantly beset on all sides by a horde of bear people who began stealing all of her expedition supplies and slaughtering her animals. Within a mere couple of minutes, she figured out how to organize a militia, and brutally murdered every single one of the interlopers. She then ordered a pile of their teeth be erected in front of her great hall as a memorial and warning to all that would oppose her.

    Again, one silly example doesn't mean much, but I believe the times are (as usual) a-changin', and games as a form of growing media are becoming more flexible and accessible by the day. I for one welcome it, as it also reflects broad changes in societal norms, which for me (perhaps a bit selfishly so) means I can be more comfortable in my own shoes, and less fearful to actually live the way I want to. Having been a past victim of repeated verbal assault and threats in person (not often in games though, score another one for kag!), this is not unfamiliar territory for me, and combined with the generally unproductive and hostile political climate surrounding women's health and transgender rights (sadly looking at you, home state of North Carolina), it can be tough sometimes to navigate these things while maintaining that thick skin most folks call for. So in light of this, despite having effectively conveyed the same sentiments in previous posts:

    Thanks again for being understanding, kaggers and kag devs. It means a bunch, even if it doesn't seem like much.

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
  18. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Deleted off-topic posts. I leave the thread in GD for now because of quality posts like ^above.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
    an_obamanation likes this.
  19. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    the one thing I learned from this thread is that Rayne is Cobra's girlfriend.
  20. madking321

    madking321 Shark Slayer

    Much a time has passed that my life has been left to rot in legend. I have emerged from my eternal slumber in the mines of yor. I have emerged *cough*, i have emerged to tell you that you have won the internet.
    SJD360 likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi